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How To Reset The Hyundai Check Engine Light

Seeing the check engine light illuminate on your Hyundai car's dashboard can be a cause for concern, and many drivers worry that this means they will need to spend a lot of money on repairs. However, this isn't always the case, and in many instances, the check engine light can be reset without any costly repairs.

In this guide, we will explain how to reset the check engine light on your Hyundai car and save you the hassle and expense of a trip to the mechanic.

Step 1: Check the Cause of the Check Engine Light

Before resetting the check engine light, it's essential to determine why it came on in the first place. This is because the check engine light is often an indication that something is wrong with your vehicle, and resetting it without addressing the underlying issue could lead to more significant problems down the line.

To check the cause of the check engine light, you can use an OBD-II scanner. These tools are readily available at most auto parts stores and are relatively easy to use. Once you have the scanner, plug it into your car's OBD-II port, which is usually located under the dashboard, near the steering wheel.

The scanner will then read the error code that triggered the check engine light, and you can use this information to diagnose the problem. If the issue is minor, such as a loose gas cap, you can address it and then move on to resetting the check engine light.

Step 2: Disconnect the Battery

If you've determined that the issue is minor and have fixed it, the next step is to reset the check engine light. One way to do this is to disconnect the battery.

To do this, first, turn off your car and remove the key. Then, pop the hood and locate the battery. You'll want to disconnect the negative cable, which is usually black. Use a wrench to loosen the bolt holding the cable in place, and then remove the cable from the battery.

Wait for 15 to 20 minutes, then reconnect the cable to the battery and tighten the bolt. Finally, start your car, and if the check engine light has been reset, it should no longer be illuminated.

Step 3: Use an OBD-II Scanner

If disconnecting the battery doesn't work, you can also reset the check engine light using an OBD-II scanner. This is a more precise method and allows you to clear the error code without losing any of your car's settings, such as the radio presets.

To use an OBD-II scanner, first, make sure your car is turned off. Then, locate the OBD-II port under the dashboard, near the steering wheel, and plug in the scanner. Turn on the scanner, and follow the instructions to clear the error code.

Once the code has been cleared, turn off the scanner and remove it from the port. Turn on your car, and if the check engine light has been reset, it should no longer be illuminated.

In conclusion, resetting the check engine light on your Hyundai car is a simple process that you can do yourself, saving you time and money. However, it's essential to determine the cause of the check engine light before resetting it to ensure that any underlying issues are addressed. If you're unsure about how to use an OBD-II scanner or how to disconnect your battery, consult your owner's manual or a qualified mechanic for guidance.

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